Community Service » Hospitality Ministry Assistant - Jr. High students preferred

Hospitality Ministry Assistant - Jr. High students preferred

St Juliana Community Service Hours

by Ron Green

[email protected]


Hospitality Ministry Assistant

The Hospitality Ministry welcomes the help of students to assist in the greeting of parishioners before and after all Masses (Sat 5 PM, Sun 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am, and 5PM). The Assistants will also support keeping the Church neat and tidy after each Mass.

The Hospitality Ministry welcomes up to 6 students for each Mass. The responsibilities are as follows:

  1. 1)  Arrive for Mass 15 minutes before Mass and stay for up to 15 minutes afterwards. Assistants must check in with a one of the regular Hospitality Team members when arriving.

  2. 2)  It is preferred students wear their school uniform so they are recognized as Hospitality Assistants for the Mass. If not possible, please dress neatly for Mass.

  3. 3)  Prior to Mass, each assistant will be assigned an entrance to greet parishioners. It is important to greet all parishioners. There are 5 separate entrances: 2 side doors facing the parking lot, 2 side doors facing the athletic field, and 1 at the back of the Church facing Acacia Avenue, The Acacia entrance and rear door on the parking lot are the busiest and may require two Assistants.

  4. 4)  Assistants should hold the door open and greet each parishioner as they enter the Church. At each door, students will be assisted by a regular Hospitality member.

  1. 5)  About 5 minutes before the start of Mass, the assistants at the side front doors should come in and work with the regular Hospitality Team to help parishioners find seats.

  2. 6)  After Mass has started, Assistants are to sit with their family. Assistants are encouraged to sign up to bring the Offertory Gifts to the Altar. Assistants are encouraged to bring the gifts at least once per quarter.

  3. 7)  After the priest gives the final blessing, assistants should proceed to their assigned door with a handful of bulletins. Each parishioner should be acknowledged as they exit and offered a bulletin.

    a. The side entrance facing the parking lot at the front of the Church has heavy doors. Two assistants should hold the doors open as parishioners exit.

  4. 8)  After everyone has left the Church, the Assistants must go through all the pews and gather any bulletins left in the pew. The Assistants should organize the green Song Books in the holders. The books may need to be re-distributed among the pews (some may have 4 while others will have 0 or 1 book. Assistants should also remove any paper wrappers, torn envelopes, etc. One of the regular Hospitality Team members should be notified of any lost items (eye glasses, purses, etc).

  5. 9)  Hospitality Assistants must check out with a member of the regular Hospitality Team prior to leaving.