Principal's Message

Dear Saint Juliana School Community,
“Do not let the past disturb you—just leave everything in the Sacred Heart and begin again with joy.” ~ Saint Teresa of Calcutta
I hope this message finds you and your loved ones well. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year filled with joy, health, and the abundant blessings of our Lord. I trust you had a restful and joyful holiday season, creating cherished memories and taking time to recharge.
We will begin our celebration of Catholic Schools Week on January 26th with our Open House and all-school mass at 9 am. Open House will begin after the 9 am mass. It will conclude at 12 pm. What a beautiful way to reflect on the blessings of Catholic education and community! School festivities will continue through February 2nd. Throughout this special week, students, parents, and the parish community will experience our school's vibrancy and faith-filled spirit through various activities. We have also planned opportunities specifically for our parents and parishioners. Please look over the calendar for special events. I warmly invite and encourage your participation.
I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude for your support of the Saint Juliana Gala. This year’s theme, Mardi Gras, promises to be a joyful and festive occasion on Saturday, February 1st, at The Charleston in Fullerton. We are thrilled to be honoring Rick and Gale Price for their unwavering commitment and support of our school community. Your generous contributions and involvement in the gala directly impact the growth of our educational programs, enriching the lives of every child in our school.
As we look forward to the season of Lent, may we take this sacred time to pause, reflect, and strengthen our relationship with God. In the busyness of life, moments of quiet prayer and reflection are not simply luxuries but vital opportunities for our spiritual renewal and growth.
May God’s blessings continue to guide and sustain you and your family in the days ahead. Thank you once again for your steadfast support, and I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events.
God bless you,
Dr. Manuel Gonzales Jr.
Saint Juliana Falconieri School