Google Classroom

Google Accounts:
St. J provides students in Grades TK-8th grade with a Google Apps for Education account.  (2nd-grade students will begin the transition to using Google Classroom at the beginning of trimester #3).
If you should need any assistance with your Google account please contact Mrs. Palos.
Google Apps for Education includes free, web-based programs like Classroom, email, document creation tools, shared calendars, and collaboration tools. This service is available through an agreement between Google and St. Juliana.
  • Google Apps for Education is also available at home, the library, or anywhere with Internet access.
  • School staff will monitor student use of Apps when students are at school.
  • Parents are responsible for monitoring their child’s use of Apps when accessing programs from home.
  • Students are responsible for their own behavior at all times.
  • Parents will have access to their child’s Google Classroom account using Google Guardian. It is the parent’s responsibility to complete the required steps to receive updates once they have been invited to become a “Guardian” on their child’s account. Please contact Ms. Palos if you need assistance in getting signed up with Google Guardian.
Google Classroom Overview:
Click on the image below to view
GC Overview